

What is it that you TRULY desire?

Do you have something in mind that excites your inner happiness guru? Let's get the ball rolling on whatever dream or goal you're currently passionate about.

LOVE Self-Love Intuition Clarity Goal Setting Boundaries Energy Mastery Life Balance Communication Goals Dreams High Sensitivity Stress Anxiety Modern Spirituality


Relationships are evolving. We yearn for more meaning, more connection and more freedom. We agree that consistent effort is key, but do we have the skills to do the work? Divorce rates in women over 50 are through the roof. Polyamory and other non-traditional unions are on the rise. The 'rules of the game' may still look the same, but the players are changing the game.

Decide & Build

The great news is that we are freer than ever before to live life on our own terms. The choices are plenty and skills are available. Transform your relationship into a source of lasting happiness and fulfillment. Why settle for less when you have the opportunity to bring about a profound, heart-centered change? Build a more meaningful connection and live outside the social constructs that restrict you. Your relationship deserves the investment.

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No more toxic criticism, stonewalling, feeling misunderstood, unseen, unheard, controlled, manipulated or using any of these against others. Boost your life energy, connect deeper, boost your inner strength, get your needs met, help your partner(s) feel safe. Communication is a skill we can learn.

Right or Happy?

A strong set of communication skills will make your life easier, help you get your needs met, and build stronger relationships; the foundation of our collective vibration. There is no excuse for not having effective communication skills. if you choose to grow, the opportunity is here.

Contact Me✨

Worry, Anxiety & Stress

Ah, worries, the ultimate party pooper. They swoop in and throw us off our game, like a terrible DJ playing the wrong song at a crucial moment. Stress, perfectionism, the not-good-enough monster, (other people's) standards and expectations drive up stress inviting procrastination in, feeding the cycle of feeling like a loser.

Live FREE!

And before we know it, those worries have turned into full-blown anxiety. Let's break free from all hesitations and celebrate to our heart's content by dancing to our own rhythm.

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Love = Love.. But let's be real, navigating the world of love and acceptance can be a wild ride. Luckily, as a sage helper, I assist parents and members of the beautiful and diverse LGBTQ+ community in finding their own groove amidst societal pressures. So whether you're looking for tips on self-love or support in the battle against haters, I've got your back!

Privacy & Non-Judgment

Did you know that parents of LGBTQ+ also 'come out'? And that still the vast majority of young adults do not have the relationship they want to have with their paren't(s)? Open up and bring any Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Transgender, Bisexual, Demisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, Polyamory issues for processing..

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Spiritual Paths

Are you feeling called to be more spiritual? Where do you even begin? Should you start with meditation, Reiki, or Angel Card readings? Also, how do you know if you are on the right track? Should you rely on epiphanies or magic 8-balls? What about all the unexplainable phenomena? Fear not, allow me to kickstart your spiritual journey.

Universal Powers

Unlock your spiritual potential for purpose and fulfillment. Dedicate yourself to exploring your inner self and connecting with the divine. Embrace the journey towards limitless wisdom and strength. You've got this!

Start with Me


I love to enhance experiences by incorporating various healing modalities. Each person has their own unique journey and that's why Integrate coaching with other healing modalities such as Reiki, Kundalini, Crystal Bed, Psilocybin, and more. I can assist you in creating a customized plan to elevate your vibrational level and help you conquer your path forward.

FA Plus

Coaching is absolutely better when paired with Kundalini, Reiki, crystal bed, Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, and other healing modalities. I look deeper into your specific needs to help you create lasting results.

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Happy Clients
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Post-study courses
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Behold, my dear friends, I present to you... *drumroll*... ME! 🤣 I'm a one-of-a-kind concoction of creativity, fun, dreams, non-conformity, and compassion. Oh, and did I mention that I'm kick-ass? Yes, yes I did. But let's not forget that you're kick-ass too. We're both in the kick-ass club together. So, come on, let's make magic happen.

Life is a rollercoaster ride filled with endless opportunities for growth and self-discovery! Sure, there may be moments of struggle, but that’s when we turn to our trusty sidekicks for guidance and support. I, for one, am stoked to be that trusty sidekick for you as we chart the course towards your wildest dreams.

Think about it: the sky’s the limit, baby! You just gotta set your heart and mind to it, but you also gotta know when to pump the brakes and focus on what really matters. Each day is a chance to take a step forward and make real progress on your journey towards love, freedom, balance, and joy. And I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.

At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to navigate this wild ride we call life. But hey, we can also learn a thing or two from each other along the way! As someone who’s been through the wringer myself (ahem, heartbreak and struggle, anyone?), I can relate to the battle wounds you might be sporting right now. Trust me, together we can tackle anything that comes our way and come out on top.

So, let’s light up this world with our collective awesomeness! I am over the moon to work with you and see all the incredible things we can achieve together.

Farah Ayoubi

It looks like we have some work to do because you are done with not-having the life that you want! I am here to help you power up that fabulous relationship you have with yourself. After all, every other relationship in your life starts with you, right? Let's put on our superhero capes and get to work because there is nothing we cannot accomplish with a little bit of self-love and a whole lot of wit! Let's work together to improve your life.
Let's get started!

"Look at me, bragging with the most amazing clients in the world! Thank you for being the real MVPs and for sharing your experiences. Your vulnerability has proven that you all are the strongest folks out there. Hats off to you! I have to say, it has been an honor being part of your journey and seeing you all crush it. So much love and respect to all of my clients! 💜💜💜"
I'm grateful for your support and glowing recommendations.
Join me and see what everyone's talking about!
"I was amazed how fast I was able to get out of debt and build new structure and balance in my finances. Soon after taking those inspired steps, every other aspect of my life things started flowing with more ease. The power to overcome transformed me. It has been like that ever since; the results last till this day."
Evelien Basilia
"Being coached by Farah was a positive experience.Although I didn't know Farah yet, she made me feel welcome and seen right away. She addressed issues in a friendly, but firm way - without judging. She helped me get clarity on a few things that still resonate with me on a regular basis. She was also the person who brought art journaling as a tool into my life, and I will always be grateful for that. It was the beginning of a complete new, creative and fulfilling journey for me..
"I really look forward to each session with Farah because no matter what is going on in my life I leave feeling centered and at peace. She brings such great energy... always smiling and laughing! Makes transformations feel lighter and I feel at ease. Best of all she makes time for me and is easily accessible if I need to contact her."
Michael Zoontjens
"What I love most about Farah is that she makes me feel at home and I can really be myself with her. Farah has this pleasant way of listening carefully and summarizing my entire stories in a nutshell, while pinpointing the exact thing I am referring to and afterward helping me with the tools (homework 🙂) I need to reach my goals. I am so happy I started my beautiful journey with Farah 💖
Lusviany Roojer-Strick
"Coaching sessions with Farah are so uplifting and awakening! The most important thing for me is that I feel comfortable with her and she gives you tools and tips you can work on immediately and take action on!"
How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

Take one first step forward.

You have a desire.

A point you want to reach.

A change you wish to make.

A fulfillment to pursue.

How long are you willing to wait for this to happen?

Take the leap forward now. 

Ready to believe in your wish?

Congratulations! Making this first step will soon bring you closer to your goal. Before you know it, you will be living out your desires. Keep spreading that inspiration for the rest of us to ride the wave with you!

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Choose to be an adventurer! Decide to take the plunge. The courageous you will thank you once you come back with some juicy insights to share with the rest of us mere mortals.
Schedule a meetup
Take the first step towards bringing your desires to fruition. WhatsApp me. ✨
Show Commitment
More than just showing up, you need to do the work with me. I will help you connect with your own answers. However, you are the one who needs to make the actual changes happen.
Transformation Completed
Live off high energy and tap into the limitless power of the universe! Share your energy and uplift those around you to raise our collective energy.

Coming soon: Free Download

How well can you set Boundaries?

Download this free assessment tool and get instant actionable items to assess your boundaries

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(And don't worry, we won't spam your inbox - we're not that needy 😉. Just sit back, relax and let us do the work for you!)

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